Our Story

Welcome! Thank you for joining us!
Meet the co-owners Sim and Rupa!
Seen here with their kiddos. Rupa, mom of 3 (Nikhil, Taj and Arya) and Sim, mom of 2 (Ariana and Dilan) have a deep friendship which was began by meeting at none other than Whole Foods!
This business began when Sim had her tailors in India make matching clothes for herself and her daughter. Seeing the gorgeous prints sparked an idea in Rupa’s mind to create every day wear with Indian inspired soft fabrics that our kids will find comfortable and cute.
Look no further than the name of our company to find our biggest inspirations behind this business - our daughters, Ariana and Arya. We combined their names to form our brand name - Aryana Clothing. Both born a few weeks apart, they are our biggest cheerleaders and already have plans to take over the company soon. They serve as brand ambassadors all over this island and especially on the campus of their school where they model all of their newest items before we can even launch them!
Aryana means pure in Sanskrit and our clothing is both pure and sustainable. Our items are all ethically made by a small manufacturer in India. Our fabrics are custom printed just for us in very small quantities using non-toxic or low impact chemicals. Everything is hand made with so much love that we do not let go of any wastage, and we recycle it by creating products such as masks, scarves, headbands and scrunchies or even an outfit or two for our own children. This helps our small business sustain zero waste and creates pieces that our customers will enjoy for seasons to come.
Our motto: “LIFT AS WE RISE!”!